GLOW: Grammar Lessons On the Web
For the exclusive use of employees of the U.S. Department of State--by Tillyer Associates

Glow Answers

Prepositions: by and until - Practice #1, answers

1. How did you find out that Mr. de Souza was coming to the reception? I called him.
    _by calling him_______________________________________________________

2. How did you get the new rules? I got an email message.
    _by email/I got them by email.___________________________________________

3. How did you get the computer to work? I turned it off and turned it on again.
    _by turning it off and turning it on again___________________________________

4. How did the police find the burglar? They analyzed the fingerprints at the scene.
    _by analyzing the fingerprints at the scene_________________________________

5. How did you find out about the coup? I watched to the news on the television.
    _by watching the news on television______________________________________

6. Who helped you with the mailing? No one. I did it alone.
    _No one. I did it by myself.______________________________________________

7. Where is the parking lot? It's near the river.
    _It's by the river.______________________________________________________

8. How did Alicia notify the winner? She sent him a fax.
    _by fax/She notified him by fax.__________________________________________

9. Did Javier get help with the digging? No, he had to do it alone.
    _No, he did it by himself.________________________________________________

10. How late did the guests stay last night? Everyone was gone before midnight.
    _Everyone was gone by midnight._________________________________________

Practice #1    Practice #2    List of Lessons

İTillyer Associates