GLOW: Grammar Lessons On the Web
For the exclusive use of employees of the U.S. Department of State--by Tillyer Associates

Pronouncing the -ed Ending

There are 3 ways to pronounce -ed at the end of verbs.

The only time you add a syllable is when the base form of the verb ends with a -t or -d:


Start  > started [star tid]

fold > folded [fol did]

For all other verbs, there is no additional syllable when you add -ed.
The final sound of the verb is changed, however, to a t or a d.


Final sound is changed to t

Final sound is changed to d

when last sound of verb is:

when last sound of verb is:

k, ck, ch, sh, s, x, p, f

m, n, l, z, b, g, r, v

talk > talked [talkt]

blame > blamed [blamd]



check   > checked [chekt]

plan > planned [pland]

search > searched [searcht]

pull   > pulled [puld]

flash     > flashed [flasht]

buzz > buzzed [buzd]

kiss      > kissed [kist]

rub   > rubbed [rubd]



hex    > hexed [hext]

change > changed (changd]

stop   > stopped [stopt]

roar       > roared [roard]

laugh > laughed [laft]

save      > saved [savd]



Practice #1   List of Lessons
İTillyer Associates