GLOW: Grammar Lessons On the Web

For the exclusive use of employees of the U.S. Department of State--by Tillyer Associates

Glow Answers

Practice #2  Order of Adjectives - answers

1. There's a new huge American aircraft carrier in the harbor.
a huge new American aircraft carrier

2. Mr. Sherwood is a young smart film critic.
a smart young film critic

3. The beautiful linoleum blue floor was scratched by the new furniture.
The beautiful blue linoleum floor...

4. Vera was wearing a lovely silk blouse.

5. We had lunch on a red brick cozy patio.
a cozy red brick patio

6. Nick is an industrious young man.

7. He is wearing brown comfortable walking shoes.
comfortable brown walking shoes

8. There is a steel enormous plate in basement floor
an enormous steel plate

9. The big red truck has been parked outside for most of the day.

10. The Harbords have a two-year-old cute little girl.
a cute little two-year-old girl

11. Mrs. Ellson drove up to the house in a bright red beautiful sports car.
a beautiful bright red sports car

12. The officers spent two hours negotiating with the young angry protesters.
the angry young protesters

13. The river was stopped by an enormous earthen dam.

14. Ebun is a Nigerian angelic young child.
an angelic young Nigerian child

15. The officer pointed the black huge menacing gun in our direction.
a menacing huge black gun

Practice #1Practice #2List of Lessons

(c) Tillyer Associates